Friday, April 20, 2012

The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following


The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following

Each of us pitches ideas every day. Sometimes we sell our ideas to a small room full of skeptical colleagues. Sometimes we pitch to a boss, or a board of directors, a new organization, or for the contract of our dreams. Regardless, it all boils down to the act of stirring someone to join youâ€"to agree to follow you. Yet we consistently underestimate how critical it is to recognize the needs, spoken and unspoken, of the decision maker. Decisions are made by people, and people have needs and agendas. Understanding these needs and agendas are critical to success in business. Kevin Allen's approach is not about persuading, but about creating a connection that assures a mutual win.

Through his years of successfully pitching ideas, veteran ad man Allen has seen a pattern emerge: pitches aimed directly at the needs of the decision maker are winners. By recognizing the unspoken need of the decision maker, and connecting the pitch to that need, the likelihood of winning the sell is virtually assured. In The Hidden Agenda, Allen describes in practical terms an entirely new way to compel people to follow you and embrace what you are selling. The Hidden Agenda lays out concrete steps to identify the "who" you are reaching, "what" elements you can connect with, and "how" to connect with your audience with the end goal of simultaneously winning the sell and establishing an ongoing collaborative relationship.

This entertaining book moves at a rapid clip and is full of lively anecdotes of hard-won advertising campaigns. From Mastercard's iconic "Priceless" campaign to Rudy Giuliani's mayoral campaign, Kevin Allen has seen first-hand how to effectively find, connect, and speak to the Hidden Agenda to win business unfailingly, every time.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company


The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company

Now a decade after The Four Steps to the Epiphany sparked the Lean Startup revolution, comes its sequel... The Startup Owner's Manual. The Manual incorporates 10 years of learning and best practices that have swept the startup world. It incorporates the Business Model Canvas as the organizing principle for startup hypotheses, provides separate paths and advice for web/mobile products versus physical products, offers a wealth of detailed instruction on how to get, keep, and grow customers recognizing the different techniques for web and physical channels and teaches a "new math" for startups: "metrics that matter for fueling growth." The Startup Owner's Manual is a step-by-step, near-encyclopedic reference manual or "how to" for building a successful, scalable startup. Want to know what to do the first, week, month or year? What's the right distribution channel for your product? How to get traffic to your web site? ...and how to activate customers or users on arrival? Who are the right "first customers," and why? many more great tips in nearly 500 pages, complete with index, glossary, and Customer Development Checklists. It's the indispensible reference guide for any startup founder, entrepreneur, investor or educator.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Investing Made Simple: Index Fund Investing and ETF Investing Explained in 100 Pages or Less


Investing Made Simple: Index Fund Investing and ETF Investing Explained in 100 Pages or Less

Find all of the following explained in plain-English with no technical jargon:
  • Asset Allocation: What does it mean, why is it so important, and how should you determine your own?
  • How to Pick Mutual Funds: Learn how to choose funds that are mathematically certain to outperform the majority of other mutual funds.
  • Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA vs. 401(k): What's the difference, and how should you choose between them?
  • Financial Advisors: Learn what to look for as well as pitfalls to avoid.
  • Frequent Investor Mistakes: Learn the most common mistakes and what you can do to avoid them.
  • Calculate Your Retirement Needs: Learn how to calculate how much you'll need saved in order to retire.
Who Is This Book For?
Anyone who has questions about investing, but who doesn't want to trudge through a 300-page textbook.

What This Book Is Not:
This book is not going to make you an absolute expert on the topic, and
This book is not going to provide you with a way to get rich overnight.

What it will do (hopefully) is provide an easy-to-understand, concise introduction to the topic of prudent investing.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Futures 101: An Introduction To Commodity Trading.


Futures 101: An Introduction To Commodity Trading.

This award-winning beginners book explaining commodities is written in layman's language with lots of details and touches of wit to keep you awake. It must be doing something right as copies of the hard cover book have sold thousands throughout the world. If you are curious about commodity futures and do not want to see a sale pitch, then dig into this and have fun learning some new things.

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